Complementary and Remedial Treatments

Listed below are our full range of massage services.

  • Advance and Deep Tissue Massage
  • Swedish Massage
  • Aromatherapy Massage
  • Back, Neck and Shoulders
  • Indian Head Massage
  • Thai Foot Massage
  • Reflexology

Aromatherapy Massage

How does aromatherapy massage work?

The nostrils are attached to a part of the brain called the limbic system. The limbic system controls emotions and influences the nervous system and hormones.

When you inhale essential oil molecules, messages are transmitted to the limbic system and affect heart rate, stress level, blood pressure, breathing, memory, digestion, and the immune system.

Essential oils are also believed to be absorbed through the skin.

Each essential oil has different healing properties. For example, some calm while others energize. Here are some widely used essential oils and their properties:


·         calming – chamomile, lavender, geranium

·         uplifting – ylang ylang, clary sage, rose, neroli

·         energizing – rosemary

·         cleansing – rosemary

·         decongesting – eucalyptus, pine, tea tree

Swedish Massage

What is Swedish Massage?

Swedish massage is the most commonly offered and best-known type of massage. 

· During Swedish massage, the massage therapist will use massage oils to facilitate smooth, gliding strokes called effleurage. Other classic Swedish massage moves include kneading, friction, stretching and (sometimes) tapping.

· Swedish massage uses firm but gentle pressure to promote relaxation, ease muscle tension and create other health benefits.

· It is essential to keep your underwear on during Swedish massage.

· Feel free to state your preference for pressure during Swedish massage. It can range from light to firm. Swedish massage usually includes some deeper work on areas of specific muscle tension. If you want more intensive work and firmer pressure, get a deep tissue massage.

Advance and Deep Tissue Massage

What is  Advance and Deep Tissue Massage?

Advance and deep tissue massage is a type of massage therapy that focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue.

It is especially helpful for chronically tense and contracted areas such as stiff necks, low back tightness, sore shoulders, whip lash, sports injuries.

Some of the same strokes are used as classic massage therapy, but the movement is slower and the pressure is deeper and concentrated on areas of tension and pain.

How does advance and deep tissue massage work?

When there is chronic muscle tension or injury, there are usually adhesions (bands of painful, rigid tissue) in muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

Adhesions can block circulation and cause pain, limited movement, and inflammation.

Deep tissue massage works by physically breaking down these adhesions to relieve pain and restore normal movement. To do this, the massage therapist often uses direct deep pressure or friction applied across the grain of the muscles.

Will advance and deep tissue massage hurt?

At certain points during the massage, most people find there is usually some discomfort and pain.

It is important to tell the massage therapist when things hurt and if any soreness or pain you experience is outside your comfort range.

There is usually some stiffness or pain after a deep tissue massage, but it should subside within a day or so. The massage therapist may recommend applying ice to the area after the massage.

What conditions is  advance and deep tissue massage used for?

Unlike classic massage therapy, which is used for relaxation, deep tissue massage usually focuses on a specific problem, such as:

·         Chronic pain

·         Limited mobility

·         Recovery from injuries (e.g. whiplash, falls, sports injury)

·         Repetitive strain injury, such as carpal tunnel syndrome

·         Postural problems

·         Osteoarthritis pain

·         Fibromyalgia

·         Muscle tension or spasm

Back, Neck & Shoulders

What is Back, Neck and Shoulder Massage?

The neck and the back are the most common areas of the body that are prone to stiffness and accumulated tension. Continuous build up of stress and tension in the neck and shoulder region lead to stiff necks, aching shoulders and headaches .Desk jobs, long working hours and incorrect sitting position may all add to a discomforting neck and shoulder.

A Neck and shoulder massage is primarily done to relieve the tension and stress around the neck and shoulder area. The importance of the neck and shoulder region lies in the fact that the neck is a flexible structure that connects the brain to the rest of the body. Tension in

During this massage your therapist will ease all tension from your back, neck and shoulders leaving you feeling relaxed and de-stressed. Ideal for those who may not experience regular massage as the key areas of tension are addressed. Various techniques are used to perform both a relaxing and effective treatment.

Indian Head Massage

An Introduction to Indian Head Massage:

Indian Head Massage has been used for thousands of years to aid healing and soothe sickness. This ancient art has been adapted to help treat the stresses and strains of modern-day life.

It is a safe, simple and effective therapy that uses a series of massage strokes to treat the area’s most vulnerable to stress – namely the upper back, shoulders, head and neck.

The application of these techniques promotes hair growth, soothes away tension, re-balances energy flow and clears any areas of negativity, thus instilling a sense of relaxation, calmness and well-being as well as providing relief from aches and pains.

What is Indian Head Massage?

Indian Head Massage is a relaxing treatment which, as the name suggests, concentrates on massaging the head. Head and scalp massage can be used alongside simple meditative techniques to provide a simple and effective way to relax.

How does Indian Head Massage work?

The treatment involves massage, shiatsu and acupressure techniques on upper back, shoulders, arms/hands, neck, scalp and face. This relaxes tense areas but, at the same time, helps to rebalance the energy, clearing any areas of negativity.

What is Indian Head Massage used for?

Indian Head massage may bring about:

  • General feeling of wellbeing, calmness and relaxation
  • Dispersal of toxins from tense, knotted muscles
  • Stimulation and improvement of circulatory and lymphatic systems
  • Improvement of joint mobility
  • Higher levels of alertness and concentration

It may also help relieve or alleviate:

  • Tension headaches
  • Eyestrain / eye problems
  • Tinnitus and other ear problems
  • Insomnia
  • Neck and shoulder stiffness
  • Sinusitis and congestion
  • Hair loss/thinning
  • Scalp tension
  • Mental tiredness/anxiety/stress


Reflexology Defined

Reflexology is the practice of applying pressure to the feet by utilising specific thumb, finger and hand techniques with the use of oil, cream or lotion based on a system of zones and reflex areas that reflect an image of the body on the feet and hands with a premise that such work effects a physical change in the body.

What is a reflexology chart?

A reflexology chart mirrors a reflection of the body on the feet, left foot  representing the body's left half and right foot its right half. In reflexology practice, technique is applied to the relevant reflex area(s) to prompt a change in the related part of the body. Research has demonstrated such effects for several reflex areas and their reflected parts of the body, i.e. the kidney reflex areas and the kidneys; the intestine reflex areas and the intestines and the brain reflex area and the brain.

What are the benefits of reflexology?

·         Creates relaxation: From the moment the reflexologists hands start their work, the relaxation begins as shown in research using EEG brain activity. All together reflexology has proven relaxation effects.

·         Reduces pain: Pain reduction following reflexology work is documented showing impact on individuals of all ages and health states

·         Improves blood flow: Separate studies show that reflexology work increases blood flow to the feet, brain, kidneys and intestines.

·         Aids post-operative recovery: Reflexology work aids recovery after surgery as shown by several studies, reducing pain and lessening the use of post operative analgesics.

·         Impact on physiological measures (e. g. blood pressure and cholesterol; measurements by ECG, EEG, and fMRI)

·         Enhances medical care: Reflexology helps where nothing else can for many: phantom limb pain sufferers, neuropathy patients, and hemodialysis patients to name a few.

·         Benefits mental health: Research demonstrates that reflexology can reduce depression  and anxiety.

In general terms, the benefits of reflexology have to do with the reduction of stress. Because the feet  help set the tension level for the rest of the body, they are an easy way to interrupt the stress signal and reset homeostasis, the body's equilibrium.

Reflexology is a complement to standard medical care. It should not be construed as medical advice. It should not be a replacement to medical help. Please use it wisely. We care about your safety.

How does reflexology work?

Reflexology works as the pressure techniques applied to the feet or hands interact as a part of the body's nervous system creating: relaxation, improved circulation, exercise of the nervous system and the benefits of touch.

Pressure sensors in the feet and hands are a part of the body's reflexive response that makes possible the "fight or flight" reaction to danger. Feet ready to flee and hands ready to fight communicate with the body’s internal organs-think adrenal glands and adrenal... to make possible either eventuality. The sudden adrenal surge that enables a person to lift a car is an example of this coordinated activity. The perception of pressure by the feet and hands taps into the reflex network that makes possible our every move. Reflexology, consistently applied, provides an exercise of these pressure sensors and thus a conditioning of the internal organs to which they are inextricably tied.


Beauty Treatments

Amazonite Therapies offer the following beauty treatments:

  • ·         Waxing
  • ·         Eye Tinting
  • ·         Men & Women


Hot and Original Wax

Hair Removal – Waxing

Waxing is quick and easy, great for removing large amounts of hair and gives better results than hair removal creams or shaving.  

Waxing at Amazonite Therapies isn’t just about mundane hair-removal!  From lip waxing or eyebrow waxing, legs, underarm etc we have it covered.

How does waxing work?

As its name suggests, body waxing involves spreading a specially formulated wax thinly over the skin. In strip waxing, a cloth or paper strip is then pressed onto the soft wax and pulled off quickly against the natural direction of the hair.

What can be waxed?

Almost any area of the body can be waxed:

·         Eyebrows

·         Face

·         The bikini area

·         Legs

·         Arms

·         Back

·         Chest

·         Stomach

·         Feet

By having waxing done by a qualified professional, you’ll be sure they’ll know which parts of the body should never be waxed (due to extreme sensitivity) and which require special care.

Waxing at the Amazonite Therapies

Think ‘waxing in Edinburgh’, then think of Amazonite Therapies. We believe we offer the ideal temporary hair removal method using a cream wax with a tea tree aftercare to leave the skin feeling soft and smooth. We believe it’s one of the most effective and luxurious waxing treatments you can enjoy.

Prices starting from £5.00

·         Back waxing

·         Bikini waxing

·         Eyebrow wax or reshaping

·         Arm waxing

·         Full or partial leg waxing

·         Lip wax

·         Chin wax

·         Shoulder waxing

Eye Treatments

We offer a range of eyelash and brow tinting and tidying  services that create just the right look to compliment and balance your facial features. Important: You will need to visit the salon for a patch test at least 48 hours prior to your first tinting  treatment to ensure no allergy exists. If you have had any known eye disorders in the past, please discuss this with the therapist at the time of booking.

Eye Treatments include:

  • Eyebrow Tint
  • Eyelash Tint
  • Eyebrow Shape/Wax